One of the goals of Life Group Ministry is to help people take next steps toward Jesus. That means every group leader is looking to "earn the right" to suggest spiritual steps members can take. Sometimes the next step is to invite a person to attend an
event the church is hosting. Another person's next step might be to a invite them to a Sunday morning service. Still others, may simply need to be encouraged to begin connecting with Jesus through a daily quiet time. In any case, knowing and praying for your group members is key to discerning what next steps to suggest.
If a daily quiet time is a next step you would like to suggest to your group members,we have a great resource for you! It is a three month devotional called "The Word For You Today". This simple devotional is written for the purpose of offering strength and guidance for daily living. The newest devotional (pictured here in the blog) begins on Dec. 1st. The devotional might be a nice thing for your group members to do during the holiday season while Life Groups are on break here at
First Assembly Community Ministries. You can pick up the devotionals at First Look (located in the lobby of the church).
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