Friday, February 28, 2014

Life Change: what happens between group gatherings

There's a quote that I hear often concerning the power of small groups, "Life change best happens in small groups."  I agree, but what is more true, is that life change happens between small group gatherings.  Group gatherings are the place where people hear truth and enter into discovery discussions where they uncover how truth should impact their lives.  Groups are places where people can determine and declare how they will be applying truth in the following week.  Turning points happen in small groups, but life change happens when we "move".  Life change happens when life is happening.  "Life change" is as much a verb, as it is a noun.  The days between gatherings is the place where truth meets real life.  Life Group leaders should be aware of this so they can plan and facilitate group gatherings that promote life change.

This is why we are constantly pushing leaders who are good at teaching truth to also become good at facilitating discussions.  Truth un-applied is only knowledge gained.  Truth applied equals life change.  The best way to get to the point of  understanding and application is through discovery discussions that lead to decisions and declarations.  A good group leader will craft a relational environment where they can present truth, discuss truth, and help members decide and declare how to live and apply truth.

A format for relating and learning truth
1.  Relational Opening:  about 10 - 15 minutes of relating to one another in ways that are not necessarily associated with your group topic.  A time to "shoot the breeze" and express interest in one another's lives.

2. Formal Introduction:  take 2 minutes to share the format of your gathering.  Use this time to share any rules, values, or expectations so everyone is onboard with the flow of the gathering.

3. Truth Teaching:  20 -30 minutes (or less) of where someone teaches truth from and related to the Bible.

4. Discovery Discussion:  15-20 minutes (or more) where group members talk about the truth that has been presented.  Together they discuss and individually decide and declare how the truth should be applied to their lives.

5. Closing Prayer:  5-10 minutes where group members can pray for one another's needs and concerns but also ask for God's wisdom and strength to apply they truth they have learned.

6. Relational Ending:  Groups often end their gathering with relational time where group members socialize after the closing prayer.  Leaving bit of relational time a the end of the meeting will keep you from making prayer seem like it is simply the closing bell on your gathering.

NOTE: Most groups last at least 1 hour and many last 1 1/2 hours.  Groups that share a meal as part of their opening or ending relational time often use a 2 hour time-frame.

What are your thoughts concerning life change?

What format has worked for you?

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